
YourLife Finance Classes

Are you ready to take control of your finances but don’t know where to start? Sign up for one of our one hour classes or webinars.

Financial Education is the foundation for a strong and stable future. 

Our six-class series lays the groundwork for building a strong financial future. Each topic provides new knowledge and strategies so you can see and believe your financial goals are possible. Classes are taught by trained volunteers at local nonprofits, libraries, businesses, government agencies, and now online, in more than 35 ZIP codes across the Houston area.

Our teachings are based on a curriculum designed by our staff in conjunction with a nationally recognized expert in the field. It is action-oriented and promotes our clients to make real and lasting change in their lives from day one.

Explore Class Topics

Click on the class name to learn more about the curriculum or scroll for the full upcoming class schedule. 

This is the first of our six-class series, all about Improving Your Financial Position. In this class, we will create the foundation for your financial journey and cover the basics of budgeting. By the end of this class you will have an understanding of your unique financial position, learn how to create & manage a budget, and jumpstart your savings!

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This is the second of our six-class series, all about Keeping More of What is Yours. In this class, we will build upon the foundation we created last week and work toward your savings goal. By the end of this class you will know how to identify ways to increase your income and decrease your expenses, learn how to find savings through budgeting, and identify ways to save on common fees.

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This is the third of our six-class series, all about Mastering Your Credit Report. In this class, we will continue our financial journey and work together to understand your credit report. By the end of this class you will know how to dispute errors found on your credit report, learn how to access and read your credit report, and have an opportunity to analyze a sample credit report.

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This is the fourth of our six-class series, all about Making Credit Work for You. In this class, we will continue our financial journey and work together to understand your credit score. By the end of this class you will know how to identify strategies to improve your credit score, learn how a credit card can work for you, and have an opportunity to use a debt log.

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This is the fifth of our six-class series, all about Taking Control of Your Debt. In this class, we will continue our financial journey and work together to learn strategies to help manage your debt. By the end of this class you will know how to avoid high-cost borrowing strategies, learn how to identify strategies for paying debt, and have an opportunity to analyze a sample debt log.

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This is the last of our six-class series, all about Managing Your Money in Real Life. In this class, we will bring everything we’ve learned over the past 5 weeks together and discuss how to manage your money in real life. By the end of this class you will know what you can afford, learn about assessing the details before making a large purchase, and have an opportunity to establish your financial goals.

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Upcoming Dates

Sign up for our classes below! Not interested in the entire six classes? Pick and choose which class to attend!

Upcoming Finance Class Series
En Español

“I have never been financially savvy and money has had the abysmal effect of burning some serious holes in my pockets. And not just little holes. Holes that would make asteroids proud. That is about to change, however. I am finally mentally, emotionally and maturely ready to properly handle my money. The weeks of financial literacy courses that The Women’s Resource of Greater Houston provided for all of us ladies at The Women’s Home have been an invaluable and absolutely necessary staple in my journey into self-betterment and striving toward an enjoyable life.”

– Monika, The Women’s Home,  YourLife Finance Class Participant 

Our Partners

We offer our services in collaboration with local partners including non-profits, community centers, colleges, schools, shelters, transitional living centers, and the county jail.

These organizations host our programs, allowing us to reach a diverse group of women who may not otherwise have access to financial information. This also addresses barriers that could prevent women from being able to attend.

We coordinate our classes to ensure programming is consistent and the process is as simple as possible for our partners.

Interested in hosting a YourLife Financial Class?


    Our public finance classes are offered online and at several participating locations. You can see a full list of public Finance Classes listed above.  

    Our classes are created with a busy lifestyle in mind. If you miss a class, you can continue with the rest of the series and attend the class you missed once it is available through virtual instruction or in person. 

    Yes, virtual classes are a new public class offering to The Women’s Resource. You can find the schedule to all of our virtual public Finance Classes listed above.  Due to COVID-19, we will be exclusively hosting classes online until it is safe to gather in large groups again. 

    If you have questions about becoming a volunteer instructor for our classes, you can visit our volunteer page to learn more or submit an application to become a volunteer here.

    We offer six different classes. Our class topics focus on the fundamentals of personal finance (budgeting, savings, credit, debt and setting financial goals).

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